Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Relating psychology

I mentioned before that Johnathan had all my personalities right. So, that makes me ponder again. Is it really me?

I have to admit that on the surface I might look cool and snobbish but once you get to know me after few meets, you might find me kind of sociable.
Meanwhile, deep down inside me, I'm actually a quiet person. Really.
I bet some of you might have doubts towards my remarks but it's true. I spout nonsense, laughing nonsense, talking rubbish and so on but I rarely talk about myself or I do talk a lot???? haha..
Anyways, it is true that when one is lonely, they tend to blog. So, just like me la...No wonder I had a friend who advised to have a XXXXXXXXX long time ago.
Come on, blogging is not for the singles only. Anyone can blog as long as they are not IT idiots.
Dr. John said maybe I lack of feelings expression so I blog to express. It is true..half of it. Just like the psychology, Chapter 7, the need for affiliation. (Trying to relate my notes...). The need for affiliation says that one's desire for close interpersonal relationship, likes talking and worry of rejection.
Currently, I can't stuff my info to my brain so please allow me to relate them here.
Let's see what can I relate them into me...
Found it...
Chapter 7 again...Primary motives. This is not gonna relate to me. But, I just want to express my thoughts. It says, the sexual motive is considered to be a primary motive, not because we would die if it were not fulfilled, but because the species could not reproduce and survive if the sexual motive were not satisfied. It shows that every human wants to have sex and they can't survive if they don't reach the climax...ok...that is just my personal thoughts. No offense.

Chapter 4...classical conditioning.
I will apply it on guys...Again, no offense ok.

Before classical conditioning

Crowds (NS) ---> No salivation
Hot girls (UCS) ---> Salivation (UCR)

Classical conditioning procedure

Crowds (NS) + Hot girls (UCS) ---> Salivation (UCR)

Test of classical conditioning

Crowds (CS) ---> Salivation (CR)

However, if this conditions are not being practice often, it will result either in extinction or spontaneous recovery.
In extinction, guys who get bored easily, the next time they see the crowds, they turn their heads away and move to the place with hot girls.
In spontaneous recovery, guys who are sick of it will response their ham-sapness again if they see the crowds.

Therefore, we have punishment in operant conditioning. If the guy who is already taken and if his girlfriend knew about his behavior, she will probably punish him by forbidding he to go with the crowds again. This results the guy to hate the punisher a.k.a. girlfriend which might lead to break up or cold war or so on....

Eventually, guys who are smart, they will use negative reinforcement- escape conditioning to their girlfriend. They probably lie, buy gifts or whatever their genius brain can think of to hide all the actions. Good guys (extinct males) will avoid spotting for the crowds to look at hot girls (as they love their girlfriend very much) and this is what we call avoidance conditioning.

In latent learning, in the process of maturing (adolescence aging around 12-19) will learn unknowingly on how and where to spot for hot girls. Then, when they reached young adulthood, they probably already master it.

Kiddies may learn it too...just like Shin Chan. He, apparently, did not learn it from anyone but was born with it. Male kiddies may learn it from courting girls, talking to young adulthood girls. This is what I call observational learning. According to Albert Bandura, behavior is learned mainly through observation and mental processing of information. Resulting, male kiddies have master the tactic of courtship by the time they reach late teenage years in the future.

Right...spouting again...I'm just trying to retrive my informations from my memory that I've already encoded for so long. The only thing I'm afraid is that my information might decay when the time comes. Then, I start to panic (sympathetic nervous system), heels sweating, cold, face turn pale and the sypmtoms. Then, parasympathetic nervous system to the adjusting those symptoms back to normal before I flunk my paper. Bloody hell. (relating to chapter 5 and 2)


Amber said...

sigmund freud babeh!

瑜颖 said...

he is a lil bit lunatic to me...
sexual discover ever since like baby

Amber said...

hahaha yeah.. everything also related to sexual desires... you learned about id, ego and superego yet??

瑜颖 said...

learned ady...another babi theory...haha..sumtimes, it just doesn't makes sense.

Amber said...

haha but its fun learning all these new things, whether they make sense or not! so how do you find psychology? you're taking intro ? nice?

瑜颖 said...

nice but it would be better if i took in my longer semester.
Intro was nice...but somehow, is a pre-requisite subject. So, all the business admin students have to take it...but it was fun to learn the knowledge la...especially freud's theory...ahahah