Wednesday, March 25, 2009

People do come and go

I finished my Benjamin Button movie last night. Yea, I took notice where all the soundtracks are played in every scene. Now, I knew where they were played. I'm a little bit obsessed with that movie and that was because of the plot and how Daisy and Benjamin live their life. Well, there are soundtracks that are worth to listen which are:

  1. Love in Murmansk
  2. Alone at night
  3. Growing younger
  4. Hummingbird
  5. Nothing last
  6. Love Returns
Yea, that's the best I've listened so far. It's been clearing my mind for a while.

Alas, the guy is on vacation and I wonder what the heck could he been doing.

People come and go from our lives. Throughout the whole journey, we met all sorts of people. People who share their laughter, joy, sadness and many emotions lar... Well, each of us grow up everyday and live the process of life to see the world. I've encountered many people and it keeps going on. Friends... the good ones always come and go. The bad ones always stay to keep digging you out of all the heaven and torment you to the hell. I've been lending hand as much as I can and I don't pretty much expect for return as long as they stay by my side. However, things don't seems to be perfect as it seems. Closing one eye. I don't usually judge a person that quick but through their actions and words, I am almost to the judgement. I can distinguish their deeds that they had done for me it's also for me to warn you people that I ain't a fool. I just couldn't be bother to know and care. Just don't let me smile at all your foolishness. Consequently, people do change really fast and they are always ever changing. Be it environment or peer. They still change.

Such an emo post. But, I have been having this deep thoughts.

Oh my goodness, should I be happy or emotionless? I just got denoted from my friend that I'm sexy. Ah.... Haha... Wow. Thanks man. I didn't know I was sexy just for that day. It's only a pants and t- shirt. I hope I don't give creeps to you people at night. If I do, Happy Nightmares. haha...

Anyways, thanks to Kimirockz for nominating. Haha... pulling in more users. Haha... New forum from the MMU students.

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