Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Bloody hell!
Deja Vu had taken place in my class today. Few posts ago, I posted the contribution and it happened to became the 'almost' the topic of the day in the class. She even mentioned repeatedly the brands that I want to do it on my assignment. I was so proud to think of it and my lecturer ruin it by constantly repeating it again and again which she even manage to open the website of it.
Deja Vu...of all the Deja Vus I had encountered. How come it is not the deja vu that I want?
I dreamt of that person so many times and I wished those were the deja vus.
I dreamt that xxxx xxx xxxxx was xxxxxxx me.
Winning lotteries...you know, that kind of feeling of striking the luck.
Yup...and many deja vus that I want.

Now, I have to come up with an alternative for the assignment. Choosing a brand. Just hoping that the form in front of her room's door is still available for me to fill in my desired brand. Coke.
Let's see the brands rivalry soon. I mean soon in my class and assignments.
There are brands everywhere, the populars, the infamous, the unknowns and so on but I still have no idea which one to choose.
If I chose the infamous one, then I'll have trouble on it but that's the challenge.
If I pick on the unknown, I'll have trouble on finding it even though some may have heard it.
If I take the populars, that is normal.
So, I told myself, why take the risks? Do it my own way. I trust myself.

Yike, the due date is also coming soon. Soon...which is next month and I'm still here whinning???

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