Wednesday, April 1, 2009

She is almost mad

Previous post was sobering. Now, I'm expressing.

Fuck. No idea what to say.

I can't sign in my MSN. Bloody line today.

I really can't stand anymore. I've been having this intention for months. I really really really really really want to quit. I can't handle things well.

I only concern for my academics right now and can't bear to see another disappointment faces from my loved ones. Seriously. I understood all the costs that they had invested on me and I have to say that I don't come from a rich family. I wasn't born with a silver spoon in my mouth neither a golden key. Hence, I understood the time, money, spirit and high hopes that they have put on me. It was my bad for doing things unwell. Sorry to say that I couldn't concentrate well as I have another stones to be worried for. Simple, SCARE. I was and I am.

Damn it. I have did it again. Listing all my weaknesses make me feel vulnerable. Damn it. Just expressing. Damn it. Oh my goodness, I had mentioned the word 'damn it' for 4 times including the verbally. Yea, make it plus 3.

See that.


What should I do first?

Miss Danielle is under the state of dilemma, confusion, depressing temporarily and sobering within minutes.

Prescriptions: A tablespoonful of hope for everyday. A pill for calmness for every hour. 3 drops of care every minute. A pinch of love for every second.

Consultation: Mr and Miss Deeds for 24/7 and Mr and Miss Karma for 24/7

Come back to the World of MirOppHoLoLuCa anytime. We welcome you with our big smiles.

Tend to listen to Mad World- Gary Jules, Miracle and That's what you get- Paramore, One More Time- Daft Punk, Breakeven- The Script and Benjamin Button's Soundtrack.

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