Saturday, April 18, 2009

Random things to do to rejuvenate your almost dying brain cells

Random things to do to rejuvenate your almost dying brain cells:

  1. Go YouTube
  2. Adding Links
  3. Sneak through people's blog
  4. Nudging people for no reason
  5. Open websites without reading them
  6. Go Facebook to look out for ANTM pictures
  7. Close all those work I'm doing and reopen
  8. Browsing my music player
  9. Download songs for fun which I don't have the intentions to listen but to irritate my brothers
  10. Pressing calculators for every possibilities
That's what I've been doing for the past 30 minutes!

I didn't manage to go offline today as I'm usual with those unfinished academic matters.

Signing off soon.


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