Tuesday, June 30, 2009


I tend to break or spoil things easily. That's because I'm either careless, clumsy or taking things for granted.

Living in this current economic situation seems to be tough. Money seems to be the number one topic around.

One of my essential- ears- pleasing- moment- for- a- quiet- place has malfunctioned. Now, looking at my piggy bank... it looks dreadfully almost dry. Where else am I going to find my source? Rob, steal?

Then, the current stuff that I got to have it is none other than late MJ's CD. I've been desiring to own it long time ago where I'm able to display it in my room. Playing the CD in the CD player over and over again. Reminiscing the moments I had while the song is playing. Cute times. Hence, money is needed in order to purchase the CD. Again.. money is the problem.

The video here is a MUST watch.

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