Monday, November 16, 2009

20 years old sound like new retiree. FML.

I'm proud to say that I've made some progress in studies today. yeah, today. Despite the heavenly long weekends, I only managed to carry my notes around the house and revised few pages. Not even close to a chapter. I don't know what I did. I sat at home and kept asking myself what to do. Hello, I'm already 2o years old and sounded like new retiree. FML.

Today, I manage to catch up a bit. A BIT only. I'm proud of reducing the time I spent on internet which reduces my risk of technostress. I'm also proud to say that I achieve 100% completing collection for two levels in Little Big Planet. 2 hours. Tell me. Thanks to the heavy academic tests.

Speaking of corporate restructuring, I've to restructure my strategies again. For assignment. I need to be quick and I don't have much time left. =(

Tough Life. Tell me about it.

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